Day 237 - 27 June 2012

We're leaving for France tomorrow, I can't waitttttttt!

Day 236 - 26 June 2012

Oh my god it's food again, for the third time in a row...

Day 235 - 25June 2012

I can't resist taking pictures of all the beautiful cakes my aunt brings us...

Day 234 - 24 June 2012

Milkshakes became my favourite thing to photograph :)

Day 233 - 23 June 2012

A present for my friend Nina who celebrated her birthday today.

Day 232 - 22 June 2012

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Yes, I must say it turned around so quickly and here we are, free of all the exams and schoolwork. I can't describe this amazing feeling, it's like 10 big heavy stones have fallen down from my shoulders. I remember how I didn't want to go to school in August last year because I didn't have many friends in my class and it was like going to a jail. But somehow we started to talk to each other more and spend more time together and after some time everything became familiar again. We visited many beautiful places and had so many really great times together, especially the second half of the year. I met a lot of amazing people and finished this year much more successfully I thought I could. I also want to thank you all who follow my blogs and support me, because blogging and photography play the most important part in my free time and are my first and favourite way of relaxation during hard times.

Day 232 - 21 June 2012

We went to Fiesa with our class today where my schoolmate has a summer house. It was a really hot day and as if it wasn't hot enough, the air-conditioning in our coach broke down so we were all completely sweaty. I couldn't describe the happiness we felt when we finally arrived and jumped into the water. We spend most of the day in the water and had a really great time. My schoolmate found this baby bird who felt from its nest and decided to take care of it.

Day 231 - 20 June 2012

 We stayed at home again today and actually this year's holidays have started the earliest I could ever remember. I love it!

Day 230 - 19 June 2012

We went to school for two hours today and after that I had a photoshooting with Rebeka. She's an amazing girl and I'm really sad that we don't spend more time together.

Day 229 - 18 June 2012

The best way to start your day.

Day 228 - 17 June 2012

I made this pie for so many times and it became the best thing I can bake.

Day 227 - 16 June 2012

 I had such a great time today with my girls. I was traditionally celebrating my birthday one month later, since no one of us had time in May. I was afraid that they could get a bit bored since there is not a lot of thing we could do at my house but we really had a wonderful time and laugh a looot. I hope they enjoyed this party at least a half as much as I did.

Day 226 - 15 June 2012

I'm done with all the exams and grading for this year today and I'm happily baking for my party tomorrow

Day 225 - 14 June 2012

I got new swimwear, I'm ready for summer!

Day 224 - 13 June 2012

studying for the last test this year - physics hurray

Day 223 - 12 June 2012

June used to be a summer month for me, but this year..

Day 222 - 11 June 2012

Today the president of Slovenia came to our small village and our brass band played for him. The whole situation was quite funny since it was raining for the whole day until the minute he came and the sun started to shine like crazy so we couldn't read music. His visit lasted for one hour and when we played our last song a few raindrops fell down from the clouds. The moment he sat into his car, the sky became grey and it started raining buckets. It was like ordered, no one of us could actually believe what happened :)

Day 221 - 10 June 2012

We had a picnic at my grandparents today because my grandpa's brother who lives in Canada came to Slovenia and we haven't seen each other for so long time. We went for a walk later in the afternoon and we were followed by this dog which was named Mitja by my cousin and it was just so funny how this name suits him.

Day 220 - 9 June 2012

It felt so good today when I send those to my sister in Ljubljana and she wrote back how good they were and how happy I made her. To make other people happy is definitely one of the best things in the world.

Day 219 - 8 June 2012

I couldn't understand why would anybody love lavender so much, until we went to Provence last summer and I fell in love with it. It's probably my second favourite flower since then.

Day 218 - 7 June 2012

Isn't just the best feeling in the world to climb up a cherry tree and see the world from above?

Day 217 - 6 June 2012

i call them my cinderella shoes

Day 216 - 5 June 2012

We didn't go to school today because of the matura tests and it was just an amazing day, full of sunshine and great photos.

Day 215 - 4 June 2012

sometimes you miss the memories, not the person

Day 214 - 3 June 2012

My dad called me this morning when they went to a supermarket to tell me that I should go out and take some pictures of the dewy roses in the front of our house. But when I came out, there weren't any dewdrops anymore so I couldn't do what he proposed to me. But still, I was really happy that he called me because everytime he find a motif for me I really feel as he truly support me in photography and like my work.

Day 213 - 2 June 2012

enjoying the sun like a bird its freedom

Day 212 - 1 June 2012

Today was our last day in the mountains and we had to clean the house and pack our rucksacks. We left the house around half past one in the afternoon and ascended to Rateče where we took the bus which drove us to Jesenice, where we took our train to Novo mesto. The train was chock full of people and I was really sad because we had to sit divided throughout the train since we didn't get the sits for such a big group to sit together. I was sooo sad when I had to say goodbye and the only thing I could do for the rest of the day at home was lying in the bad and in front of the computer and think about all the great things we did in these 4 days. This trip was one of the best experiences in my life and I know I could never forget it.

Day 211 - 31 May 2012

Unfortunately, this is the only photo I've taken today and I actually took it only because that mustard looked really funny. We made a 50 kilometres long tour to the Peričnik waterfall today and got a bit wet because of the rain. We climbed those 700+ steep stairs beside the ski jump in Planica again (we ascended them for 2 times and descended for 2 times in 2 days) which was definitely the hardest part of today. When we got to our house, we made a pizza and I made a bread and later in the evening we set the fire again and grill some meat. We sat around the fire and each of us had to choose one person and tell something nice about him. I think each of us felt quite special when somebody said something beautiful about us.

Day 210 - 30 May 2012

 We woke up at 5.15 today and made a great ascent to Vršič. We walked for 10 hours and the trail we took wasn't easy at all. We came home really exhausted but still playful enough to stay awake until 1 am and play jungle speed.

p.s. those two were taken with phone

Day 209 - 29 May 2012

So our trip started at 6:20 when we took our train to the Jesenice. When we got there, we continued with bus which took us to the Rateče, and then we walked to our cottage. We had to get there on our own, our professors came later with their car. We cooked our lunch and had an orienteering later in the afternoon. When we got back, we made some pancakes and lit the fire when it got dark. We sang songs and talked about human values and it was an amazing day, full of laugh and happiness and we really got along with each other even thought I didn't know many of them before. It was after a long long time that I really felt such friendly connection between a group of teenagers who have never had anything in common before.

Day 208 - 28 May 2012

This one was taken in a hurry since I have to prepare my rucksack because I'm going hiking tomorrow. We have a special week at school when we don't have lessons as usual, but there are different activities you can choose to do. I can't wait to spend those four days in the mountains and meet some new people from my school.

Day 207 - 27 May 2012

We celebrated my mum's and my birthday and our house was full of happiness. I have already told you how much I love my relatives and I'm really grateful to have so cute and lovely cousins. The youngest one is so funny as she always run to me when she sees my camera. And when I take a picture of her, she comes to see it and always laugh so loud. Oh my sweethearts

Day 206 - 26 May 2012

I have always loved ladybirds, they're just so cute...

Day 205 - 25 May 2012

It's my mum's birthday today so me and my sister went out and brought her a bunch of flowers.

Day 204 - 24 May 2012

you're never to young to dream big...

Day 203 - 23 May 2012

This year's May wants to look like typical April.

Day 202 - 22 May 2012

 I always have problems with texts under the photos that I like...

Day 201 - 21 May 2012

rainy days

Day 200 - 20 May 2012

Oh my god I can't believe I'm already at the day 200. It just seems to be impossible that I actually took pictures every day for 7 months now and it makes me so proud to say this. I think that there were 2 days (+/-) in this whole period when I couldn't took any picture, and this is just amazing. I don't know if there's a lot of improvement seen on my pictures, but I proved myself that I can make it and this is the most I can wish for.

and this is the cake I got for my birthday, it was deliciousssssssss.

Day 199 - 19 May 2012

all I can say is YUMMY, I WANT MORE!

Day 198 - 18 May 2012

Today was an amazing day; I met my best friend Matej and went out in the evening with Rebeka, Bernarda and Lara and it was so much fun. I want to spend more time with my friends, our village is just so lonely and boring.

Day 197 - 17 May 2012

Hey there, it's my birthday today. I'm really sad having to upload a picture like this, so boring and so bad, but it says a lot about today. We have an English test tomorrow and this is a subject I hate to study the most... So this birthday wasn't one of my favourites, but still, I got a big cake from Nika and this basket of strawberries from Metka and this just made my day much more beautiful and happy. And all the wishes always touch my heart so much. I love you all, thanks for being there and support me.

Day 196 - 16 May 2012

Last day being 16, it makes me a bit sad, because I don't want to grow up. 17 is a big number and I don't feel like being ready to be seventeen, but you never know before you try.

Day 195 - 15 May 2012

i wanna wake up feeling beautiful today

Day 194 - 14 May 2012

stay golden